January 06, 2008

Predictions for 2008

It's that time of year when people are supposed to make resolutions and predictions, so here are mine:

I will be working with sound artist/musician, Helmut Lemke, and dancer/choreographer, Ruth Tyson-Jones, on a collaboration with the working title "Gauge Symmetries" - investigating the nature of space and movement (pictured) ; I'll also be writing the follow-up to "50 Heads" called, at the moment, "Portrait". Jean Paul Sartre's fascination with the notion of complete apprehension of an individual has been a preoccupation of mine for years. He wrote:

“the most important project is to show that fundamentally everything can be communicated, that without being God, but simply as a man like any other, one can manage to understand another man perfectly, if one has access to all the necessary elements”.

He pursued this through his mammoth "the Family Idiot" analytical biography of Gustave Flaubert. The concept of understanding an individual completely is politically problematic and philosophically inevitably impossible. It is a project beloved of Government accountants and target setters who have even less capacity to achieve it than a philosopher. But quixotically, I wonder whether it is possible for a poet to get closer to it. The strategy that seems to be forming in this stage of "Portrait" is to approach specific individuals through a relationship of all individuals.
Two other things I can predict with some confidence: in Bury I will curate an exhibition called "Recursive Shadows" with work by Alan Charlton, Ulrich Ruckriem, and Ragna Robertsdottir in May; and in July a drawing exhibition called "The Irony of Flatness" featuring Alan Johnston, Bob Grenier, Marianne Eigenheer, Ulrich Ruckriem, Stefan Gec, Hester Reeve and a new text by me called "Flatness" also to be written.

The final prediction is that I will plan the next TEXT FESTIVAL which will run from May to August 2009. I am inviting submissions for proposals for commissions, exhibitions, publications and performances in the next few weeks. The official announcements will be forthcoming but if your only source of information is this blog, you can email submissions/proposals to t.trehy@bury.gov.uk or post them to Bury Art Gallery.

Happy New Year

con creta - Leiria

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