June 16, 2011

Berlin again

It’s been a while since I thought about blogging; a mixture of Text Festival exhaustion, illness, holidays, buying a new apartment and kicking off a major new international project (which I will be setting up with a visit to China in September) put it to the back of my mind.

Tomorrow I set off for the Berlin Poetry Festival http://literaturwerkstatt.org/index.php?id=1016  – I was invited to be part of the festival’s ambition to establish collaborative programming and joint projects between various international festivals. I was quite looking forward to this dialogue until today when I received the agenda for the sessions. The second presentation of Saturday is fucking Poetry Parnassus. http://tony-trehy.blogspot.com/2010/11/olympics-and-poetry.html So we are in a sharing environment with an organisation with which you have to keep your copyright close to your chest. I find this hugely annoying and now am not optimistic at all. I guess, as with most conferences, the best links will be established over lunch.

More positively, I am very much looking forward to meeting up again with Steve Miller – an artist for whom I have a lot of time.

Anyway, I hope to blog about the trip during or on my return.

con creta - Leiria

 Having done virtually no research about Leiria before I arrived, I was very enamored with it - a very charming little town, given what I im...