May 26, 2016

The Bury Poems

Talking about the publications of the Text Festival, I pulled out a copy of The Bury Poems from the bookshelf, and was surprised to find alongside Tony Lopez, Robert Grenier, Ron Silliman, Geof Huth, Phil Davenport, Carol Watts and Holly Pester, there were three poems by me. I'd completely forgotten. On reading them, I only just remembered writing two of them, and had no memory of the third. The second was inspired by something Riiko Sakkinen wrote, so I think I will save posting that until November when his exhibition opens in the Bury Sculpture Centre. The other two are below. 

You can purchase the Bury Poems from the Bury Art Museum shop. 

(The Art of Pedestrianisation referred to in one of the poems was going to be the title of the next book after my last book The End of Poetry ; Strangely I was reminded of what this was going to be about this week at the Royal Academy - hope this isnt a sign of the return of the poetry virus).

The Tragedy of Althusserianism

The tragedy of Althusserianism he is
the worst thing that could happen other types of hysteresis
also give rise to objects quite like free objects, in that they are left
adjoint to forgotten, not necessarily
the absence of rebel strangled instead of barricading

urelements feels/thinks/flashing lights/facades
- Them unphotgraphed seconds
Through artists have an excuse: Save us from poets
lumbered with poets as list-makers
The obscure reveries of the inward
gaze as the effect of our ignorance is Time.

I am the last
Considered an autotopology
thus elimination of intermediate inference
the soldier who died for perspective
of the Art of Pedestrianisation unwritten -
the mechanics of walking and falling.

Despite rigorously the inattentive secretary
other possible Trehys from Leibniz
originating parameters
a continuous closed circuit of periphrasis

Catharist feeling abruptly out of date
our happiness gives way to the next by-passed by
a long distance

Scorn for slow mediocrity, contained of two types of obscurity
And for reasons of yield I am uniformly continuous

from superclasses: A taxon comradeship

baffles the man counting on the abacus.
What is the hysteretic source of the heredity
of prefiguration the which began in Shicho markers' historic
clinicla observations of life-threatening descriptive, retrospective
historical characters nonholonomic navigations susceptible to fall.

con creta - Leiria

 Having done virtually no research about Leiria before I arrived, I was very enamored with it - a very charming little town, given what I im...