January 28, 2020

Brexit Poem

As Brexit is upon us, I think now is a good time for the Brexit poem, extracted from my collection in progress 'Dyer':

Terms & Conditions

Is there no question about my relationship to an auxetic good 
rejected? Lossless compression, intropunitive to distract 
from a lifetime’s facial recognition, as a practical matter
To both appellant cases of a rules-based system,
To storms in the guise of good, contrary to the season’s darkness,
our fugal rebirths past the revenge of deathcunts, the fading light
not far from this maladroit crowd's ignoble strife rehearses
echo bone crepitus.

Gaza, Take This Cup from Me

a Compendious Book on Guernica reruns in a place Urim and Thummim chose to transform every figure A cheap breastplate as random as desul...